Check at work
(1)Check whether the bearing vibration in working condition.
(2)Check whether there are abnormal noises in the raceway and gear part.
(3)Check whether have shock, catching phenomenon.
(4)Check whether the bolts are slack.
(5)Check whether the gear part is clean,sundries (especially metal impurities) enter into the meshing area or not.
(6)Check whether the gear part is good lubrication.
(7)Check whether the abnormal tooth abrasion.
(8)Check whether the bearing seal is intact.
(9)Check the bearing raceway are in good condition through overflow
Maintenance and lubrication
(1)Installation of the bearing,after working 100 hours,the clients need to check the bolt pretension,then check check the bolt pretension once after working 500 hours. After working 14000 hours, according to the working conditions, consider replacing the bolt.
(2)According to the working condition, regularly to clean tooth surface, and add grease, tooth surface coating, residue, if any, once every 10 working days to clear, until clean.
(3)The bearing have been injected the grease, if can not meet the clients’ working conditions, clients can inject the new grease again.
(4)In the normal working conditions,the bearing need injection grease once after working 100 hours, In the tropics, high humidity, dust, large temperature changes and continuous working, the bearing should be a weekly lubrication.the bearing need injection the new grease if the machine stopped work for a long time.the raceway must be filled lubricating grease. there is a small amount of grease overflow on the lips of sealing ring.
(5)When greasing bearings must rotate slowly, to ensure grease filling evenly.
(6)Because of the large comprehensive factors at work, the user can choose grease according to the specific requirements.